Monday, August 01, 2005

I'm getting the hang of this...

I am just starting to feel like I will be living here now. (Usually when I come here for vacation, I don't feel like I've settled in for a couple of weeks.) I am guessing the acceleration is due to the fact that I now have real responsibilities to be somewhere every morning.

I didn't think I'd be home sick, but I am. I just miss the USA prices for most things. And there's no Walgreens or Target as we know it down here. They have Target, but it's marketed differently. (Same, same...but different) LOL. It seems they only import the chain stores that I don't shop at.

It's winter down under now. It's not too cold, as winters here are similar to winters in SF. Usually mild, but it can get cold in the early mornings and at night.

The time difference is really easy to calculate. For west coasters, add 5 hours and the next day. So for example, 6 PM Thurs SF, would be 11 AM Fri in Sydney. Or for east coasters, add 2 hours and the next day. For example, 6 PM Thurs NYC, would be 8 AM Fri Sydney.

If everyone's really confused, go here:


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