Saturday, September 03, 2005

Are you a "looter" or a "finder"?

I guess the media is at it again. In time of this national emergency, black people are again portrayed as the "bad guys", while white people are portrayed as the "victims". Unless you've been under a rock, you should know what I am talking about. Down in New Orleans, people-black or white, are doing every thing they can to survive. However, the divisive press have labeled black folks "looting" food/water, and white folks "finding" food/water. Yes, I agree there are those people out there, both black and white, who are dishonest and take advantage of the situation for their own gain. But, if the press continue to only show and report to the rest of America, and the world, what they only want us to see and know, then they are actually doing us a disservice. I hope that you, as the consumer, are intelligent enough to discern and to question what is being told to you or what you read and see.


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