Sunday, May 28, 2006

I don't need to know about your problems in the middle of this movie...

In the USA, before every screening there are service announcements telling you to respect your neighbours by turning off your phone and not to be too noisy. Well, there no such announcements here in Sydney. The last five times that I've been to the movies here in Sydney, there was always one noisy couple discussing something in the same theatre as me. I have no idea what they're talking about because they have all been Chinese and I don't speak Chinese. It's only been the Chinese movie goers. On one occassion, a Chinese couple sitting near me even had a fight. Apparantly she wanted to leave but because of the packed house (watching X-Men Last Stand) she couldn't leave and/or her boyfriend didn't want to leave. The most she did was moved away a couple of seats for about 5 minutes before scurrying back beside her bf. After an hour and a half of being subjected to this, I finally had enough and turned to them and asked them to take it outside. They were completely dumbfounded because they had no clue why I was mad. I politely told them again to be quiet or take it outside. The whole time they were being chatty kathys, they didn't even try to whisper. This was with all the Chinese couples. I suspect they lack the ability to lower their voice to a whisper. I couldn't figure out why no one else sitting around them "shushed" either. The only conclusion I could make was that people watching X-Men that night had no concept of being silent inside a movie theatre at all. It was dark and I think everyone sitting within ten seat radius of me that night were more Chinese students. I really need to find another metroplex to go to.


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