Do you want to rot in a Bali jail?
Ok, Schapelle Corby did it, and was sentenced to 20 years in a Bali jail. Then some other 9 Australians did it. Then Michelle Leslie did it. Now, yet another Australian, Graham Clifford Payne, has done it. What part of "Death Penalty" do some Australians not understand? Let's see, death by firing squad. That's pretty final. The Indonesian government has a tough anti-illicit drug policy. You get caught with it, you either go to jail for a very long time or you are put to death by firing squad. I am amazed that anybody would even think twice about bringing illicit drugs into Indonesia after all the recent publicity surrounding a handful of Australians being caught in Indonesia.
Most Asian countries have a very strict illicit drug policy. You get caught with it, you could be put to death. Your choice.